
Drivers name caravans as their top summer motoring pet peeve

Getting stuck behind a caravan is a pet hate for 70% of UK drivers

by Chris Jefferies
Tailbacks caused by slow-moving caravans have been voted as the most annoying thing about driving in the UK during the summer months.
In a survey by Manheim Auctions, 70 per cent said that they hate being stuck behind slow-moving vehicles, such as caravans or tractors.
Furthermore, bank holiday traffic jams came in second in the poll, something caravan owners are also likely to be familiar with.
Other pet peeves to make the top ten include hot leather seats and steering wheels on sunny days, as well as loud music being blared out by other drivers.
Complaining children were also regularly quoted as a major bug bear, although two-thirds of parents said that they combat road-trip boredom by playing traditional car games, such as i-Spy with their kids during long journeys.
In response to the survey results, Craig Mailey, marketing director at Manheim Auctions, has offered his top tips for summer driving.
“Be prepared for the worst when embarking on a long journey in the summer. Check your tyre pressures, oil and water levels and make sure you have enough fuel before you set off. But above all, try and stay calm and relaxed behind the wheel ,” he advised.