
European authorities cracking down on foreign motorists

Failure to carry safety equipment while abroad in Europe can incur large fines from

by Chris Jefferies

Caravanners taking their motorhomes to the Continent should take extra care when driving on European roads.

In March this year, an EU directive came into force allowing European countries to share information on driver offences.

As a result, authorities have become stricter and unprepared motorists could end up facing large fines if they fail to follow the rules.

For example, a penalty of more than 90 Euros (£80) awaits anyone not displaying a GB sticker in their vehicle, or failing to carry a high visibility vest.

Not having a warning triangle or spare bulbs can also cost British drivers 90 Euros if they’re pulled over, while in France, licence and vehicle confiscation is possible.

EU transport commissioner Siim Kallas pointed out that although foreign drivers make up just five per cent of the traffic on Europe’s roads, they account for 15 per cent of offences.

“If you are that driver, I have bad news. It’s about to stop,” he remarked.