
Could caravanning be a budget friendly option for the Olympics?

No room at the Olympic Park? Why not try a local caravan site

by Gemma Roskell

With tickets for the London 2012 Olympics now on sale, sports fans will be eager to book accommodation in the capital so they can be part of the action.

But according to the Financial Times, London’s hoteliers are looking to cash in by hiking room prices to more than five times their normal rate.

The newspaper claims that members of UKinbound, the trade organisation for tour organisers, are shocked by some of the prices being quoted.

“Hotels appear to be gripped by a frenzy of greed,” said the group’s general secretary Mario Bodini.

Caravanning could therefore be a much more affordable option for those hoping to attend the games, or simply visit London to soak up some of the atmosphere.

The Camping and Caravanning Club announced in January that it is planning to offer two event campsites during July and August 2012.

Other caravan parks in the Greater London area are also expecting strong demand from those with touring homes.

Click here for caravan parks in London: six sites within the M25.