
Arson Attacks Have Caravan Owner Pleading For More Police Help

Recent arson attack targets caravan

By William Coleman

For some unknown reason caravans have always been a target for mindless vandalism and arson arson attacks. Recently there has been a spate of attacks across Southampton that has residents asking for more support from local police to ensure they stay safe.

There has been 13 arson attacks in Southampton recently that has lead to thousands of pounds worth of damage and has locals frightened of further attacks to their property. Luckily there does seem to be some images of someone who is suspected to be the culprit.

One very unlucky victim, Dawn Hawkins, had her caravan totally destroyed in a fire as a result of these attacks. The leisure vehicle was kept outside her residence, not unlike 90% of the leisure vehicles in the UK. What makes things ever worse was that the van was set to take Dawn and her family away on holiday not long after the fire was set.

Dawn said: “Everybody was asleep. All the windows were open because it was so hot.
“My daughter heard this strange noise so she got up and could see the flames through the window.

“They got up and realised the caravan was on fire.

“My daughter got the children out. Her husband tried to get the garden hose on it before the fire engines got there. They had set a fire actually underneath the caravan.”

The fire caused more than just property damage. The smoke from the fire got into the house and Dawn’s daughter has had issues sleeping since the incident took place, as as her 1 year old son.

Dawn added: “My one-year-old grandson doesn’t want to go in the bedroom. All my son’s stunt kites that my husband bought him about 20 years ago are all gone. The caravan was packed full of stuff, all the children’s toys, ready for them to go on holiday.”

Following the arson attack where Dawn lost her caravan she has called upon police to take more action to stop these senseless attacks that are causing damage across the city.

She said: “It’s really upset me. If they had not woken up the whole house could have gone up. It could have been really different.

“We all pay our taxes for the police to protect us. It doesn’t feel like they are doing that.”

The issue seems to have gotten so serious that local police have actually issues a warning to motorhome and caravan owners: “We would urge anyone who owns a caravan or a motorhome not sleep to in it whilst parked outside your house or on your driveway.

So for any of our readers in Southampton please stay safe and maybe look into some security upgrades where necessary. Step one for me would be to empty your caravan and motorhome of you travelling kit such as cups, plates, bowls, bedding etc etc.

Story sourced from