
Touring, Camping And Keeping The Kids Entertained

The top tips for taking a tent on holiday for the kids

By William Coleman

As a child when I went away on a touring holidays with friends and family the one thing I always looked forward to was being able to sleep in a tent. Although there was enough space for us to sleep in the motorhomes, statics or towing caravans the idea of having our own space/fought/castle was all part of the adventure.

Now that I am in my 30s I now see that the tent provided was actually a tool to keep us entertained, which really worked. Having a tent felt like we were living out in the elements and it was like we were given responsibility to look after ourselves as little adults.

It is also quite important for mum and dad to have their own space when they go on holiday. I’m sure that every parent loves their offspring to bits but when on holiday it is nice to have some calm, down time. A tent can provide that freedom you need all while making sure the kids have a great time.

Another aspect of the tent accommodation that I loved was the kit that my parents provided me to make sure I had all I needed. It was almost like a little loot box of handy tools and gear from torches to sleeping bags.This little toy box of tools was the most exciting part of staying in a tent as a youngster.

So for mum and dad here’s some first hand knowledge and tips for you if you want to take a tent with you on your caravan holidays.

The Tent

The age of the little ones will determine what type of tent you use. I was not allowed to stay on my own or with friends until I was around 9-10 years old. So at that age I wasn’t too interested in a bright gimmick tent, I was an adult at ten, in my mind, so I wanted the real deal.

A two room is always a good choice if there are 3 or more staying in the tent. They are not that expensive and it gives the children enough space and avoids any petty squabbles.

If you really want to make the kids smile, and remove the stress of putting a tent up, you can buy those great little pop up tents. One throw and the tent us up and ready to use. Easy to put up and pack away and they take up very little space when they are stored away.

‘<' . strtolower('Array')he Tool/Toy Box

So when you go camping one of the first things you do prior to leaving is lay out all the kit you need. This can be turned into a super fun activity for kids; it gets them involved, they get to pick their own gear and most of all it teaches them what they actually need for a touring or camping trip.

As I mentioned it was the torch that blew my mind as a kid. You could keep the tent illuminated as well as make sure there are no monsters roaming around outside the tent. Now the torch is packed you then add the fun stuff like hanging lights, seating and actual toys.

Then you move on to your bedding. Every kid loves a sleeping bag, I have no idea but kids go mad for them and they really do not mind what they have on them. Thankfully you can buy many different types for all ages online for not a lot of money. Also invest in the camping floor mats, I’ve woken up after sleeping on the floor and been a little bit cranky.

Safety Items

There is a little bit of fear of leaving the children to their own devices and alone in a tent outside the van. So what do you do to make sure the children are safe and sound.

It may seem simple but a whistle goes a long way. If you hear that sound at the early hours of the morning you are going to spring out of bed. If you want to keep in contact, I would because I’m a worrier, get yourself some walkie talkies.

Not only will they give you peace of mind but children find them super exciting and will be able to contact you instantly should anything go wrong.