
How to get your caravan ready for the end of lockdown

Make sure your caravan is prepped and ready to go for the end of lockdown

By Chris Littley

There’s some debate as to whether caravan parks in England will be allowed to reopen in June or July, but those in Wales are set to start welcoming visitors back from June 1st. If you’re hoping to be in the first wave of holidaymakers, is your leisure vehicle ready for a post-lockdown trip?

Here are some of the ways to prep your caravan for the coming season.

Give it an airing

Leisure vehicles can smell a little musty when they are taken out of long-term storage, but as long as you put the right precautions in place before the winter, a little airing is all it should need. Open up all the windows and doors for six or seven hours, either outside or in a ventilated space to let fresh air in.

Check for any damage

Spend some time inspecting both the interior and exterior of your caravan for damage. It could be a leak you hadn’t noticed, some dirt that has accumulated or signs of wear and tear. Noticing these things as you’re about to set off on a journey is no good, so check now while there’s time to rectify any problems.

Sort out your tyres

If your motorhome still sports its winter tyres, these need to be swapped for the road tyres that you use for most of the year. Be sure to check for any wear on the tread, cracking or even bulging, which can occur when the weight of the whole vehicle has been sat on the tyres for a long period of time. Finally, inflate your tyres to the optimum pressure as outlined by the vehicle’s manufacturer.

Prep your water system

It’s good practice to empty your water tank and disconnect pipes throughout the system before putting your van into hibernation. Now, it’s time to reverse the process, refilling the tank, sterilising the system and running it through to check for leaks.

Reconnect your electrics

Charge your battery and clean leads and terminals before reconnecting your battery. This will ensure smooth running right from the start of the season. To make sure all is in good working order, test the inside lights and water pump. Then move on to the exterior lights, checking for any missing pins or cracked housings along the way.

Stock up your caravan

Put all of the essential items you usually stock your caravan up with back into the cupboards. This will be different for all caravanners, but things like washing up liquid, cleaning supplies and sunscreen are likely to go in at the beginning of the season and remain there until it’s time to put the van back into hibernation. This prevents the need to restock the basics for every trip.