
Using Touring To Keep Your Mental Health Healthy

Keep calm and carry on while on holiday

By William Coleman

Life can be, at times, quite stressful. Whether it be something as simple as getting a tad stressed by something at work or even something more serious like issues with a friend or loved one. No matter how small it is these things can cause a dip in your mental health. So to help raise awareness of mental health, it is Mental Health Awareness Week after all, we want to provide some tips to keep calm and relaxed.

One of the most calming situations for me is being in the van on a rainy day with some comfort food and a big mug of tea while it rains. The pitter patter of the rain drops just fill me with a nice warm calm feeling. A great way to remove stress from your mind and lead to a more enjoyable break.

I have done some research into what things in life are naturally calming and have applied them to the caravan holiday. I hope these help anyone who may need to ideas to keep calm and carry on.

Becoming One With Nature

It does sound a tad cheesy but studies show direct links between getting out into the great outdoors and mental well-being. Fresh hair helps clear the mind and provides a lot more clean oxygen that the body needs to help recovery, sleep and calmness. This sounds like the perfect excuse to get away more.

Another reason getting out more helps with mental health is the exercise aspect. Exercise releases endorphins into the body that helps lift spirits and positivity. Not to mention weight loss which is one of the greatest motivators there is.

The Sound Of Running Water

I would always recommend a site that is located near the sea, river network or some lakes. Water is a calming element and it provides some fantastic views and days out.

If you are by the sea side take your shoes off and go for a paddle and just let all your stress wash away with the water.

This also works with the sound or rain, you can even get apps and CDs with the sound of rain due to its calming impact on stress and other mental well being issues.

Switch Off

I can be very guilty of not actually relaxing enough during my leisure time. At times I just can’t help checking my work emails, looking for news and just generally not switching off and letting myself relax during my “down time”.

This seems to be quite a common occurrence which does have an adverse effect on the mind, body and soul. So when you are on holiday lock away the phone, tablet or laptop and just simply relax. You will thank yourself when you return to work with a clear mind.

The Scent Of Calmness

Your senses can lead your brain directly to being in a good or bad mood so why not surround yourself with positive sensory items.

The main sense that can lead to mental well being is the sense of smell. One thing I invested in during the warmer months was a large lavender plant, and candles, fabric spay and tons of other lavender scented products.

Fresh lavender will make the caravan smell wonderful and helps with deep sleep, which is one of the main things that contribute towards mental stability and calmness.

These are just a few tips to help you with keeping calm and relaxed while away on holiday.

As 1 in 4 people will suffer from some kind of mental health issue I feel it is important to shed more light and raise awareness of the topic.

It has been something that has been somewhat taboo with an attached stigma, especially in men. If you are struggling with mental well being or if you see someone who is just reach out and ask if they are ok. It could change someone’s life.