
New proposals to get tough on rogue traders and caravan cowboys

A new National Trading Standards Board could protect caravanners from dodgy mechanic jobs

by Tom Lowenstein

A new national board designed to act as consumer champion could help cut down on the number of rogue traders and cowboys operating in the caravan industry.

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has announced that Citizens Advice will become a consumer information champion alongside a new National Trading Standards Board (NTSB).

Meanwhile, the Consumer Direct advice line has already been replaced by a new service from Citizens Advice and the public body will now take over where the previous Consumer Focus organisation left off.

Trading Standards will still play a key role protecting consumers, but [the] new NTSB will bring together representatives from across the UK in a bid to fund and organise national cases against unscrupulous dealers.

Gillian Guy, chief executive of Citizens Advice, said the move was “good news for consumers”.

“With consumer advice, advocacy and education all under one Citizens Advice service roof, consumers will get a service they know and trust,” she commented.