
Business travellers turn to caravans post-lockdown

Travelling for business

By Emma Dodd

Business travellers who cannot stay at home to do their jobs would be more comfortable buying a caravan than staying in other forms of accommodation, it has emerged.

Research carried out by AutoTrader found that 32 per cent of those who need to travel for work would rather get their own caravan than turn to hotels or serviced apartments.

It comes in the wake of adverts for motorhomes seeing a 51 per cent increase in views and 80 per cent more ads being posted in the last two weeks of June than at the same time in 2019.

When it comes to the purchase of a caravan for business travel, 18 per cent of those surveyed thought employers should foot the bill.

A further 16 per cent believed their companies should at least provide some financial assistance in buying a motorhome for work trips away.

Interestingly, 50 per cent of those who would consider asking their boss for a caravan for work use are more likely to do so because of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting the idea had already occurred to the other 50 per cent.

Rory Reid, former Top Gear host and now of AutoTrader, said: “Businesses need to adapt to a greater need for safety when sending employees to travel and stay overnight for work.

“Using caravans and motorhomes can facilitate this, as well as providing a quiet space to help optimise working. It may well be in a business’ best interest to start looking into caravans and motorhomes!”

Business travellers are being attracted to caravans for the same reason they represent a good option for a staycation as the world slowly recovers from the coronavirus and it’s that individuals can be more self-contained than in other forms of accommodation.

Taking your own space with you means you don’t have to worry about who was staying there before you or how well it has been cleaned between visitors.