
Caravan and outdoors among top online searches

Online searches show a spike in interest for caravanning

By Chris Littley

Brits are searching words surrounding staycations more than ever, with topics including caravan, motorhome and outdoors among the most looked for in June.

That is according to Readly, which analysed the online behaviour of its readers throughout the month and found traditional pastimes relating to holidays at home were popular.

With searches covering no fewer than 5,000 magazines on its platform, the app listed the top five keywords as cycling, golf, caravan or motorhome, boat and coast.

Ranj Begley, UK managing director and chief content officer at Readly, said: “After the uncertain advice around travel and holidays abroad over the past few months, it is no wonder that most people have planned their holiday differently this year, and this is certainly noticeable in the results for searches on Readly’s platform of over 5,000 digital magazines.”

It’s not just the types of holiday and activities that people are researching in this manner either, it’s also the destinations as a number of British regions appear further down the list.

Cornwall and Yorkshire come in at numbers nine and ten respectively, while positions 12, 13, 14, and 15 are taken up by Devon, Norfolk, Scotland and Dorset.

Ms Begley added: “During the majority of the year popular European destinations are usually trending in searches, but in the last month they have notably reduced. Brits are instead looking for more local inspiration through articles relating to outdoors activities and British tourist destinations.”

Despite the government having just given Brits the green light to go abroad this summer, there is still an increased appetite for holidays in the UK.

Many people are wary of international travel knowing that cases of coronavirus are still being reported in many countries and that staying home represents a safer option.

Caravan holidays are among the types of trips seen as the most self-contained, therefore limiting the risk of contracting the virus.

The fact that they usually contain a large amount of time outdoors is also appealing to many, as getting plenty of fresh air is a way of cutting down the risk further.