
Don’t let lockdown stop you using your caravan

There's still plenty you can do in your caravan during lockdown

By Chris Littley

Caravan and camping sites across the UK remain closed during the lockdown, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep enjoying your caravan or motorhome.

It’s important to stay at home right now to ensure a reduction in the spread of coronavirus, but with warm, sunny days there’s also a need to enjoy the great outdoors and your caravan or motorhome can still be a great place to relax and unwind in a different environment.

Indeed, Val and Bernie Crean, from South Hams in Devon, told the BBC about the many lovely meals and activities they’ve had in their caravan over the last few weeks.

“It’s lovely to sit and just read too,” Mrs Crean said.

What’s more, owners up and down the country are coming up with novel uses for their vehicle, with one such case being Lydia Humphreys from the Wirral – she’s converted her caravan into a classroom for her children.

“We have put our caravan on our driveway, which has been a very tight squeeze, and have turned it into a home school for our boys,” she said.

“It’s fun and the boys love it. It also helps keep schooling separate to normal home life.”

Elsewhere, caravans are being used to add a bit of peace and quiet for those working from home during this testing time.

David Dubois from Bolton shared his story of having to self-isolate in his caravan, but also the benefits of being able to be more productive: “the total quiet was great for getting work done”.

There are plenty of uses for your caravan or motorhome even during this difficult time, so why not let us know some of your own stories about how you’re making the best of such a bad situation.