
Safe BBQing on your caravan trip

Meat cooking on a BBQ

Caravan holidays and BBQs are a great combination, with the scent of sizzling sausages filling the air one of those quintessential summer memories.

As the weather heats up and you feel the temptation to extend cooking facilities outside, it’s a good opportunity to remember some important BBQ safety advice.

Nobody wants a well-intentioned cook up to cause a wildfire, sickness or carbon monoxide poisoning, so be sure to follow these tips from the team at StressFreeCarRental.com.

John Charnock, CEO of the website, said: “Summer is the most popular season for barbecues all around the globe, but it’s important to use them responsibly to avoid accidents and wildfires – particularly the disposable kind.

“Following a few basic safety tips can help ensure a fun and safe barbecue experience.”

Select a safe location

The first thing to consider before you light your BBQ is the best location to ensure it doesn’t become a fire hazard.

That means situating it away from natural combustible materials like trees, bushes and grass, but also flammable camping equipment like tents and furniture.

Many holiday parks have dedicated BBQ areas, so be sure to make use of those, as they’re likely to be well set up with safety precautions in place.

Never leave a BBQ unattended

Even after you’ve finished cooking, a BBQ can remain hot for a long time, making it a potential risk for burns and other accidents.

Make sure there’s always an adult supervising the BBQ and that pets are kept away from the hot apparatus, as the smell of cooking food can be a temptation to four-legged friends.

A bucket of water or sand is a good precaution to keep close by in case there’s a need to put out the flames quickly.

Don’t light a BBQ inside

The obvious thing to do when the rain sets in on your caravan holiday is to bring your BBQ under cover, but it should never be used in enclosed spaces.

This includes tents, awnings and even the leisure vehicle itself, as a lack of ventilation can lead to deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.

Around 50 deaths a year in the UK are caused by BBQs being brought into tents or caravans, according to the Public Health Agency, so don’t let your party be among them.

Practice good food hygiene

There are lots of ways that a caravan BBQ can lead to food poisoning, which is not a good way to spend the rest of your holiday.

Storing food properly when camping can be a challenge, and ensuring meat is properly thawed and raw ingredients are kept separate from cooked items are all crucial considerations.

It’s also difficult to gauge cooking temperatures on a BBQ, with a common problem being that food is burnt on the outside and raw in the centre, so check all sausages and burgers thoroughly before serving.


Photo credit: Unsplash/Evan Wise