
125,000 rural drivers set to benefit from fuel rebate

Savings: Rural Fuel Rebate Scheme is set to allow for retailers to pass savings onto the customer

by Joe Jeffrey

17 areas of UK set to benefit from fuel rebate scheme

Good news for caravanners and motorhomers comes today, following news that approximately 125,000 drivers within rural locations throughout the UK are set to benefit from fuel rebates.

Following approval from the European Commission, the Rural Fuel Rebate Scheme is set to come into effect, which will allow for retailers to claim as much as 5p per litre fuel duty relief on both unleaded petrol and diesel, with savings going straight to the customer.

The rebate scheme, which has been in effect in the Northern Isles, Hebrides, Isle of Scilly and Islands of the Clyde since 2012, looks set to come into force in 17 areas of the UK including Devon, Cumbria and North Yorkshire as soon as it has sought final approval from other EU member states via the EU Council.

News comes at a time where fuel prices have plummeted to the third lowest in 25 years – great news for those wishing to hit the open road and make the most of it while they can.