
AA survey sees ‘slow’ caravans drop from second to fourth place on summer bugbear list

Litter louts remained at number one on the list for 2016

by Joe Jeffrey

Drop from second place to fourth as cyclists overtake caravanners

Results of an AA-Populous poll have found that nine per cent of AA members questioned consider ‘slow’ caravans to be their number one bugbear this summer – a drop from 15 per cent just 12 months ago.

The survey, commissioned by the AA and completed by 21,877 AA members, has revealed that peoples’ perceptions of caravans on the road may have altered following the six per cent drop, with ‘slow’ caravans falling from second place to fourth.

Meanwhile, people throwing rubbish out of their vehicles remained as the number one summer bugbear, despite a drop from 34 per cent to 28 per cent when compared to the previous year’s survey.

According to results of the survey, drivers’ top ten summer pet hates are as follows:

1. Car Litter louts
2. Large groups of cyclists
3. Inconsiderate parking
4. Slow caravans
5. Car ghetto blasters
6. Dawdling drivers
7. Sightseers
8. Tractors
9. Overloaded cars
10. Groups of motorcyclists

Edmund King OBE, AA president, said of the findings: “Car litter louts are a needless menace who cost the country millions, spoil our environment and put road workers’ lives at risk. There is no excuse for tossing out litter; car occupants should bag it and bin it at home.

“Many of the other most common pet hates concerned other road users slowing drivers down by being lost, slow or indecisive. Drivers need to be more patient in the summer on the roads because anything can happen.

“By checking your car, planning your route and being prepared, drivers are less likely to get hot under the collar and more likely to reach their destinations safely,” King continued.

What do you think of the results of the survey? It would be interesting to know your thoughts as to why cyclists have now (technically) overtaken slow caravanners. Let us know in the comments below.