
Calling all Burstner owners

Are you a burstner owner?

Calling all Burstner owners.

Do you have a Burstner motorhome? Is it more than 10 years old? Would you like it to have it’s own feature and review on CaravanTimes? Well if you do then just get in touch with

On the 26th of June we will be attending the launch of the 2019 Burstner line up at the factory near Strasbourg. We know Burstner has increased in popularity in the UK significantly recently and with the Erwin Hymer Group UK now controlling this they are set to get even more popular… but we want to see what the older Burstners were like!

We feel it is important to understand where a motorhome brand has come from. So if you have a much loved Burstner that has been part of your family please contact us, tell us more about it and we will cover it on CaravanTimes. There might even be a free mug in it for you.

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