Caravanners heading to the Lake District this year can take part in a number of events being organised to celebrate the National Park’s 60th birthday.
A new pocket guide has been published listing all the activities on offer in the region in 2011, from the Kendal Mountain Festival to the Great North Swim.
Almost 500 events from now until the end of the year are listed in the 68-page booklet, meaning families will find something to do whatever time they visit.
“This 60th birthday year is a very special time for all of us and we hope many visitors and locals will want to celebrate with us in August,” said National Park events organiser Andrea Hills.
“But anyone picking up the guide, or viewing online, will quickly see there’s so much more to do all through the seasons.”
As well as listing events and activities, the guide also contains maps showing key tourist sites and transport routes. It is available from tourist information centres across the region, as well as libraries, hotels and motorway services.