
Caravan tax protestors threaten Westminster road block

The caravan tax could lead to thousands of job losses across the industry

by Tom Lowenstein

With the caravan tax protests now gathering pace, protesters from Scotland have threatened to take their holiday homes to London and form a road block at Westminster if the government refuses to reconsider its controversial budget decision.

Campaigners recently met Russell Brown, the Labour MP for Dumfries and Galloway, to get advice on how best to get the government to reverse its decision.

Following Mr Brown’s advice, they have decided to petition other MPs to gain support for the Early Day Motion set to be presented in the House of Commons, but have not ruled out taking direct action if necessary, ITV reported.

It is thought that if 20 per cent VAT is added to touring caravans it could decimate the industry, cutting sales and potentially costing thousands of jobs in the tourism industry.

Speaking after the “very fruitful” talks with the Labour MP, Duncan McCready from D&M Leisure Parks told the national broadcaster that they would not back down.

“This campaign’s not stopping here. We will take these caravans to London,” he said.

“We will have the city of London blocked up and this Prime Minister and his coalition government must take notice.”

Meanwhile, the Hull MPs who launched the Downing Street petition against the caravan tax recently extended the deadline to gather signatures before the Early Day Motion goes before the Commons on May 25th.

At the time of writing, the petition against the proposed rise in caravan tax had attracted 10,393 signatories. To add your name to the petition, click here.