
Caravanners and motorhomers urged to study driving regulations before setting off abroad this summer

Ensure you make the most of your holiday abroad this summer by observing driving regulations

by Joe Jeffrey

Make sure you check your speed limits and other driving requirements prior to setting off on your European holiday this summer

With summer holidays about to hit their peak and many couples and families looking to set off on holidays abroad across Europe, it certainly pays to plan ahead, and checking speed limits and drink-drive limits is paramount to ensuring you get the best from your holiday – especially if you want to remain safe and avoid the long arm of the law.

Now, road safety and breakdown organisation, GEM Motoring Assist, is appealing to those looking to venture across the Channel to ensure they are fully aware of each European country’s laws pertaining to speed limits and drink driving.

Drink-drive limits, with the exception of Malta, are all lower than the UK. Many have a standard limit of 0.05 per cent (the UK’s limit is 0.08 per cent), though in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, the limit is zero. Furthermore, speed limits (quite obviously) differ dependent on where you’re heading and what you’re towing.

GEM road safety officer Neil Worth said: “It pays to do some research before you go, whether you’re driving your own car on holiday or organising to rent a vehicle once you get there. Familiarise yourself with motorway speed limits, and remember that foreign drivers are subject to the same traffic rules as residents, often enforceable by hefty on-the-spot fines.

“It’s worth appreciating that although you can legally drive in the UK at the alcohol limit of 0.08 per cent, doing the same thing in Hungary or Norway could put you in prison,” continued Worth. “There is no reliable way to calculate how much alcohol you can drink and stay below the limit. But you have nothing to fear if you steer clear of alcohol before driving.

“Summer holidays are the time to relax and enjoy good weather, good company and hopefully some wonderful scenic road trips, whether in Europe or beyond. A bit of research and sensible journey planning will help ensure you don’t feel the need to speed or to drive after drinking alcohol – so you’ll be staying legal and reducing risk on holiday,” Worth continued.

So, if you’re heading off to Europe this summer, make sure you check out all the driving requirements you should be aware of by clicking here.

For a more comprehensive guide to caravanning and motorhoming abroad, also make sure you check out The Caravan Club’s handy guide which can be accessed here. You never know, it could prevent you from receiving a hefty fine and – more importantly – keep you safe this summer.