
Celebrity Caravan stolen!

The Photo Emporium was towed from under the noses of its owners

by Joe Jeffrey

Celebrity photobooth caravan stolen and then stolen back

If we asked you to name one thing Elijah Wood, One Direction and Andy Murray had in common, you may be surprised to find out the answer would be caravanning. But that’s exactly what it is. Well, sort of.

An Airstream caravan, lovingly turned into a travelling photobooth popular with celebrities including the aforementioned has been recovered following being stolen from its owners in London.

Upon finding out the Airstream, or the Photo Emporium as it has aptly been renamed, had been swiped from under the noses of small business owners and husband and wife Tyson Benton and Victoria Pearce, the couple feared they would never see the shiny little number again.

However, following a Facebook campaign asking people to keep ’em peeled, a tip-off enabled Tyson and Victoria to establish their business on wheels was parked just a few miles away in an unassuming street.

It is thought that theives parked the Airstream in a neutral spot as is common with caravannappers in order to ensure no tracking device had been fitted, with a view to returning to move it on at a later date. But, luckily for its rightful owners, Tyson and Victoria acted rather swiftly to ensure they stole it right back.

Tyson told The Evening Standard: “We are just so happy. When we found out the caravan was stolen it felt like our Christmas was over.

“We are a small business and that kind of loss for us would be difficult to take. It’s a real victory for the power of social media. The Facebook detective really does work,” he continued.

Ahh, don’t you just love a happy ending?