
GEM warns of driving while tired in new safety video

The effects of fatigue have been highlighted in a new video from GEM Motoring Assist

by Joe Jeffrey

Effects of driving while not being properly rested highlighted in new video

As many of us set off on our summer holidays, breakdown and road safety organisation GEM Motoring Assist has issued advice surrounding the need for drivers to be properly rested before setting off on long journeys.

Being tired when you’re driving raises the risk of a collision, because you’re less aware of what’s happening around you. Not only this though, but your ability to react is impaired if a risky situation develops. That’s why fatigue can be a factor in up to 20 per cent of all road collisions, and up to 25 per cent of fatal and serious crashes

Of driving while tired, GEM road safety officer Neil Worth said: “We want you to ensure your holiday starts the moment you close the front door and set off, but safety has to come first. If you’re on a long road journey, make sure you’re properly rested before you set out, and build in regular breaks on long journeys to help stay fresh, observant and aware.
“This is particularly important if you’ve changed your routine and are driving early or late – or even through the night – to avoid the queues.

“A fatigue-related crash is around 50 per cent more likely to result in death or serious injury, simply because a driver who has fallen asleep at the wheel will be unable to reduce speed or change direction to avoid a collision. The consequences can be devastating,” continued Worth.

Neil Worth warns of the tell-tale signs of driver fatigue. “There are many recognisable warning signs before you actually nod off at the wheel. These include difficulty focusing on the driving task, fidgeting and frequent yawning and rubbing. As fatigue worsens, it will be increasingly difficult to focus on driving. Accompanying this could be drifting to the left or right and an inability to maintain a constant speed.”

GEM has issued a few simple tips for drivers to reduce the risk of a fatigue-related collision. They are:

– Get a good night’s sleep before you drive a long journey.
– Build in time to reach your destination (or your night-stop) without rushing. Remove time pressures wherever possible.
– On long journeys, take a break of at least 15 minutes after every two hours or 100 miles. Get out of the car, do some exercise, stretch or walk. If necessary, have a caffeine drink or two to boost your alertness.
– If you are driving all day, schedule a proper hour-long break in the middle of the day, as this serves to split the day’s driving into two shorter and more manageable halves.
– Avoid driving alone for long distances if possible. Share the driving, and support each other by watching for any signs of fatigue.
– Don’t press on into the night. Avoid driving at times when you would usually be asleep.

For more of an understanding of the dangers of fatigue, check out GEM’s short video below now.