
Hütten Palast: the world’s first luxury indoor caravan hotel

This unique venue uses touring caravans in place of traditional hotel rooms

by Holly Tribe

Finally, a mainstream hotelier has noticed that caravans truly are the best form of holiday accommodation, regardless of price or location.

The Hütten Palast, or ‘Huts at the Palace’ in Berlin, Germany, has become the first hotel to replace conventional hotel suites with caravans.

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The hotel is located in an old vacuum-cleaner factory, and its founders, Silke Lorenzen and Sarah Vollmer, have incorporated static wooden cabins and mobile touring caravans in place of traditional hotel rooms.

The couple explained they wanted to preserve the integrity of the building whilst creating a communal atmosphere for its guests; “[we] wanted to keep the great architecture and not destroy it by building separate rooms… to create a room, where people actually meet each other.”

And it’s not just the caravans that give this unique hotel the ambience of a deluxe caravan park. The couple’s use of communal areas bears a strong resemblance to the camaraderie found on caravan sites.

The movable interior puts an emphasis on shared social spaces, and creates a flexible habitation landscape which can change and adapt with each new guest.

The caravans have had all the original utilities stripped away and been redecorated – each with its own unique theme. One of the vintage models has been transformed into a warm cocoon-like hideaway with a wooden mosaic interior, while another has been beautifully lit and fitted with a full size double bed.

Room rates start at 30 Euros a night to stay in a caravan. For more information about this unique ‘home-from-home’ hotel, click here.

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