
Is Old Oaks Touring Park the most dog-friendly Caravan Park in Britain?

Bring your furry friend along this summer at Old Oaks

by Justine Iorga
Old Oaks makes taking a holiday with your pet an outstanding experience for all, including your four-legged friend
Old Oaks Touring Park based in Glastonbury has taken their park to a whole new level by providing only the best amenities for one of the most cherished members of your family. The The AA award-winning park – with awards including the Professor David Bellamy‘s Conservation Award at its top gold level – puts pooches on a pedestal by providing them and their owners with a kennel-load of dog friendly facilities.
Most places that claim to be dog friendly usually are but it seems Old Oaks has gone above and beyond the call of duty in order to prove to you that your pet really does come first with some great amenities.
Onsite facilities include:
– A dedicated washer and dryer for dog bedding
– Discovery walks which start and finish on the park
– A list of local attractions and places to eat with the Rex-factor
– A doggy shower so that they can get cleaned up after a day of play
– A safe area where they can be tethered outside the shower buildings while you attend to personal matters
– Free-range romping is also positively encouraged with a large securely-fenced exercise area on regularly mown grassland with views across to the Mendip Hills
Furthermore, a partnership with local dog walking business, Glastonbury Dog Walkers, allows for them to take the lead when owners wish to venture out alone.
Owners, Tara and James White, have been running this site for over 30 years and they’ve always welcomed pets at their park. Tara commented: “We genuinely enjoy having responsible pet owners on the park, and dogs enjoy a change of scenery as much as the rest of the family, so everybody benefits from the holiday.
“There are so many places now where you can’t take a dog on holiday, so we thought we would ensure that the Old Oaks answers everybody’s needs in one stroke!”
So if you’re looking to take your furry friend along on the adventures this summer then this place will surely be able to provide a genuine experience for not only you but your pet. For more information, click here.