Chris Lowe, director at Kimberley – The Caravan and Motorhome People, has given his predictions for the tourism industry in 2022.
He highlighted how the pandemic has brought about new opportunities and this is something he expects to continue into the future.
Mr Lowe said: “The new market size for leisure vehicles has grown significantly since the UK lockdown ended. The current prediction is around 16,000 new units produced, up from 14,000 18 months ago, which is a 15 per cent increase.
“However, without the current supply chain issues and manufacturer production capabilities, it is expected that this figure would have been even higher.”
He referenced the new coronavirus variant and how it’s likely to continue the trend for holidaymakers looking to be self contained on their getaways.
We saw the first time Covid-19 restrictions were loosened that those with motorhomes equipped with their own toilets and showers were able to enjoy trips away without using shared facilities.
Mr Lowe believes that the younger generation will still be keen to convert their own campers in 2022, lured by the cost savings and freedom of a DIY project.
There are some 286,000 posts tagged with #camperconversion on Instagram alone and such inspiration is likely to lead to even more people joining the movement.
Google’s A Year in Trends report recently reported that “how to maintain mental health” was searched more than ever in 2021.
This emphasis on mental health is something that is being reflected more in the choices people make about their holidays.
The pandemic has highlighted to many the importance of getting out in nature and enjoying healthy pursuits.
Mr Lowe thinks this will see more people combining their motorhome or caravan trip with rambling, golf, fishing and cycling in the year to come.