
Mountain Rescue provides outdoor adventurers with top tips for mobile phone survival

Outdoor adventurers are advised to sign up to the EmergencySMS service

by Tom Leaning

To support outdoor adventurers looking to take advantage of the British summer, consumer batteries manufacturer VARTA has released a free downloadable infographic, Powering up in the Sunshine, featuring guidance on maximising your mobile for emergencies.

More than 50 per cent of the call-outs to the volunteers at Mountain Rescue England and Wales (MREW) and the British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC) every year come from mobile devices. But battery power continues to be a challenge and a failed call can mean significant delays in finding an injured walker or camper.

Containing information about powerbank capacity, top tips to get a call through in remote locations and details on how to sign up to the EmergencySMS service, the experts at MREW are keen to stress that planning a walk or camping trip properly can help save lives. Alongside dressing appropriately, taking a back-up map and ensuring you have enough food and drink, the volunteer organisation advises that mobile phones can make a significant difference.

Andy Simpson for MREW, said: “We all know that the British weather can be somewhat unpredictable. Spring meadows and clear summer skies can provide an incredible backdrop to a ramble or outdoor sports challenge, but it can be just as easy to go off course, get lost or become injured in the sunshine as it is in the snow. To enjoy the countryside at its finest, it is important to be prepared.

“Mobile phones have something of a mixed reputation in the outdoors community and they should never be your only way of navigating or summoning help. However, they are becoming much more reliable and, with investment in SARLOC, mobile devices are now a lot more useful when it comes to pinpointing locations. There are, however, a few simple things you can do – like making sure they are charged, carrying spare power, registering with the EmergencySMS service and so on – that can make a real difference. We’re delighted that VARTA is helping us to spread this vital message.”