
New Bailey Unicorn caravans to weigh up to 100kgs less

The new Bailey Unicorn will be a lot lighter than previous models

by Chris Jefferies
Bailey Caravans has confirmed that the 2013 Bailey Unicorn Series II collection will boast significant weight savings, meaning that they can be towed by a much larger range of towcars.
As reported on CaravanTimes earlier this week, the Bailey Unicorn II will be arriving on dealer forecourts from September, and now the Bristol-based company has announced that these models have been on a significant diet.
Weight savings of up to 100kgs have been achieved when compared with the equivalent layouts in the old Bailey Unicorn range, meaning that all the single-axle Unicorn II vans will weigh less than 1,500kg MTPLM.
What this means for caravanners is that you won’t need such a large car to tow with, in fact a Volvo V60 would be more than up to the task.
Bailey adds that this weight reduction will mean improved fuel efficiency for all Unicorn Series II owners, which is more important than ever with petrol prices spiralling ever upwards.
However, the Bristol-based company has not said how these weight savings have been achieved, but they assure us that nothing has been done that would compromise the integrity of their Alu-Tech construction.
For more information on the Bailey Unicorn II, keep checking back with CaravanTimes over the coming weeks.
UPDATE: Click here to watch a video showing inside the new Bailey Unicorn II