
Online mapping available for Caravan Club members

Following over a century of providing guidance for its members, the Caravan Club has announced a unique solution to the problem of searching for attractions in the UK.

A new interative mapping service has been launched today for members. All of the Club’s 200-strong UK site network is covered on the online application, as well as around 2,500 ‘Certified Locations’ (smaller 5-van sites).

The online tool takes the idea of a guide book to the next level. The famous ‘Great Days Out’ booklet issued by the Caravan Club has been incorporated into the service. Therefore any visitor attractions which feature in the publication are pinpointed in the interactive guide. The application is based on Microsoft’s acclaimed ‘Bing Maps for Enterprise’ platform, and the Club’s established route planning tool has been markedly improved through the technology.

A useful feature for all modern caravanners is a search facility. ‘Search by Map’ will allow members to instantly identify sites located near to their ‘Great Days Out’ location. Once found? You can then plan your route from site to site with ease.

Journey timings can be predicted, with the software even able to automatically program breaks and rests into the schedule. Once completed, the route can be easily shared through an e-mail attachment to a friend or relative.

Natasha MacDonald is the Head of e-commerce for the Caravan Club, and as such recognises the increased benefits that customised mapping software can bring to caravanners. ‘We are keen to provide the ultimate route planning assistance for our members so that they have safe and enjoyable journeys’ she commented.

And it appears the Club is keen to improve on the idea, with a update for members already in the pipeline. ‘The next stage in the development of the mapping software is being planned, with tried and tested caravan-friendly routes being a key feature of future releases’ she explained.

The application is available to those registered with the Caravan Club – more information on joining is available here.