by Holly Tribe
Caravanners planning a holiday this summer should take suitable precautions against potential sun damage.
A worrying report from the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS) has revealed skin cancer related deaths are on the rise in Scotland.
Over exposure to the sun’s rays is a known cause of skin cancer, and according to GROS, 194 Scots died from the disease in 2010.
People who spend a lot of time enjoying outdoor pursuits, such as caravan and motorhome enthusiasts would be well advised to take appropriate safety measures against over exposure to the sun on holiday.
The SunSmart campaign recommends using of SPF15 sunscreen and staying in the shade to help minimise sun damage.
Caravan sun canopies are useful devices for creating shade, particularly when the sun is at it’s highest around midday. Affixed to the awning channel of the caravan, they create an outside space to relax in out of direct sunlight.
For more information about skin cancer and how to be sun smart head to .