
Speeding policeman blames broken down caravan for 150mph dash

The police car was clocked at more than twice the National Speed Limit

by Tom Lowenstein

A row has broken out in Scotland after a police car was clocked driving at nearly 150mph, more than twice the legal speed limit.

The Tayside Police force vehicle was caught travelling at 149mph on a stretch of the A90 between Dundee and Aberdeen.

However, what caused the driver to race to such a speed was not a traffic accident or an emergency crime call, but a broken-down caravan which was obstructing a single lane of a road in Brechin, Angus.

The incident came to light after figures were released as part of a Freedom of Information request and has now been blasted by road safety campaigners, the Express reported.

A spokeswoman for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents told the news provider: “We do not know the exact circumstances of this particular incident, but we do not believe that speeds of around 150mph, as has been suggested in this case, can ever be justified on public roads.”

Numerous accidents have occurred on the same stretch of road in recent years.

Tayside Police are conducting an enquiry but as of this point the driver has not been disciplined.

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