
Sterling owner dies outside home while fixing caravan brakes

The Sterling in question fell off its axle stand and crushed its owner

by Tom Lowenstein

A caravan owner in Southampton has died in an accident while carrying out repairs to the vehicle outside his home.

After jacking up his Sterling caravan outside his house on Testlands Avenue in Nursling, 65-year-old Douglas Pearce was repairing the brakes with the tourer supported by an axle stand.

The caravan slipped off its support, crushing Mr Pearce. He died in hospital days later from irreversible brain damage after the caravan caused severe chest injuries that prevented him from breathing, the Southern Daily Echo reported.

In a statement, Mrs Pearce’s wife of 44-years told Central Hampshire Coroners Court that she was ironing with the radio on and was unaware of the accident until there was a knock at the door and a neighbour told her to call an ambulance.

Stephen Angel, who witnessed the accident while walking his dog, told the local newspaper: “I did not see anything happen as I was about 30-40 yards away but I heard a crash and a groan and I knew something was up.”

A verdict of accidental death was recorded by Grahame Short, Coroner for Central Hampshire, who said that it was a tragic incident and added: “It’s unclear precisely what happened as to why the caravan moved off its axle stand. I believe there was insufficient support for the van and it twisted and fell onto him as he carried out work.”

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