
Stress levels peak at 1hr 16 minutes into car journeys, research finds

A new survey has revealed the stresses of travelling

by Joe Jeffrey

New survey reveals interesting facts surrounding the stresses of travelling

As many of us prepare to embark on our summer holidays across the UK, new research by has revealed that 1hr 16 minutes into the ‘staycation’ journey is the moment we all wished ‘we were there’ as car journey stress levels peak.

The report, out today as schools across the UK close for the summer holiday, sees more than half of families clock up over three hours on their journey to hot spot favourites such as Cornwall, Devon and the Lake District.

The car journey with caravan in tow is far from the beginning of a relaxing break, however, with 35 per cent of parents battling backseat ‘boredom’, 28 per cent juggling sibling arguments, and a further 25 per cent needing to stop for toilet breaks en route to their destination. 

For some parents, when it comes to keeping the peace, the planning starts the night before, with over one in ten (16 per cent) admitting to ‘keeping their children up late’ in the hope that they’ll sleep in the car. A small five per cent even confess to turning to medication such as Calpol to help induce sleep and reduce travel stresses.

Technology tops the list as the go-to in-car entertainment for families, with 46 per cent of children playing games on smartphones and tables to pass the time. Traditional car games are not dead though, with 42 per cent still playing ‘I Spy’ to keep the children occupied and a further 19 per cent keeping the ‘number plate game’ alive.

Simon McCulloch, Director of Insurance at, commented: “Staycations are a very attractive option for families this year, particularly with EU and US exchange rates not in our favour. Today’s research, however, shows that the car journey is not always plain sailing, with stress levels typically peaking half way through a 3 hour journey, at 1hr 16minutes.

“Parents have clearly got a few tricks up their sleeves though, with some even keeping the children up late the night before in the hope of some peace during the journey. We’ve today launched a Great British Getaway hub to offer up some really practical advice and help for Mums and Dads to ensure they are as best prepared as they can be before embarking on their staycation journey.” 

To help families plan a stress-free staycation, has launched the Great British Getaway Hub with top tips on ensuring cars, and families are road ready. To take a look, click here.

Let us know what you do to avoid stress levels when hitting the road on your journey in the comments below.