
Tips to stay awake at the wheel

Longer nights and colder temperatures can make it easier for motorists to become drowsy at the wheel. This can lead to unfortunate injuries or potentially fatal consequences.

If you’re embarking on a touring trip in your caravan or motorhome in the coming months, it’s important to know how to spot signs of tiredness and take action for the safety of yourself, your passengers and other road users.

The team at Watermans, a legal firm specialising in personal injury, have put together a list of tips to help you stay alert behind the wheel. John Dillon, head of dispute resolution at Watermans, commented:

“There are many reasons for which you may suddenly feel sleepy, from sentiments of stress to driving for long periods of time. Whatever the motive, stay away from the roads to keep everyone safe, as the consequences of drowsy driving could be life-changing.”

Choose the time of your journey wisely

Avoiding long road trips between midnight and 6am can help to reduce sleepiness when driving, as these are the hours of the day when our body clock naturally dips and tells us it’s time to go to bed. Instead, try to drive during daylight hours but always remain vigilant of signs of drowsiness, which can include yawning or drifting across lanes.

Avoid eating heavy meals before hitting the road

Eating large meals before setting off can cause you to feel more tired as the body has to work harder to digest the food. Instead, consider having a light meal or a simple snack before getting behind the wheel.

Turn off the heating

You know that cosy feeling when you get under your duvet with a hot water bottle on a cold night and you feel ready to nod off? A warm car can have the same effect, especially if you have been on the road for a while. Keeping the heating running during your journey can also cause dehydration, which leads to fatigue. To avoid this, be sure to keep your vehicle stocked with plenty of water.

Share driving duties

For long journeys, it’s a good idea to have two motorists available so one can take over from the other if they start feeling tired. If this isn’t possible, be sure to take regular breaks at service stations and to follow all of the other tips mentioned above to stay awake and alert on the road.


Image credit: Samuele Errico Piccarini / Unsplash