
Why Glamp at a Festival?

Glamping touring and camping

By William Coleman

With festival season almost upon us a lot of people are choosing what type of accomodation to choose. Do you take the motorhome/caravan and risk getting stuck in traffic? Take the train and a have a tent rolled up in the backpack? Or avoid all the hassle and pick a glamping option?

Glamping is taking off in a huge way: it’s expected that by 2020, there will be 21 million glamping trips made in the UK alone, generating revenue of £3.2 billion.

If you’re heading to a festival this year – or are thinking of going to one – but are put off by the idea of camping and everything that comes with it, then why not consider glamping instead?

Here, shipping container experts Cleveland Containers look at five reasons why you may want to glamp at a festival instead – besides getting your own bathroom facilities (although that is a huge bonus!)

Your Comfort Isn’t Compromised

The horror stories you here about the toilet situations are enough alone to put thousands of would-be festival attendees from actually going.

If it’s creature comforts you can’t be without, then ditch the regular camping for glamping at your next festival. You’ll still be at one with the great outdoors, but you’ll get to sleep in an actual bed and enjoy running water – and the toilet facilities will be of a much higher standard!

Plus, if it rains (which, let’s face it, when it comes to British weather it probably will), then at least you’ll be warm and dry, instead of slumming it in the mud with everyone else! From yurts to treehouses and log cabins, there are lots of festivals offering glamping accommodation – such as Isle of Wight, Bestival and V Festival.

Safe and Secure

One of the issues that can put people of festivals is the security – especially when it comes to your belongings. One in five attendees are victims of crime, with £270,000 worth of swag stolen from festival goers in 2015.

So, you either have to choose between carrying your belongings with you at all times, lock them in the car, or run the risk of having your tent (and possessions inside) ransacked, right? Wrong – there is an alternative: glamping. The fact that you can have locks on your door means that automatically, your items are more secure than if you were staying in a tent – and many glamping sites over 24 hour security too. It’s just one more reason why glamping can be the ideal option for your next festival.

Hassle Free

Staying in a tent at your next festival? Have fun setting up your sleeping quarters for the weekend – and don’t forget to pack it away again. It’s no easy task.

Glamping is infinitely less stressful, as your accommodation will already be set up for you – that means no setting up or packing away. Why would you want to spend hours in the dark trying to figure out how to assemble your tent, and then struggle to pack it away in a small bag by the end of the weekend?

Glamp instead and you can choose to arrive and leave whenever you want, safe in the knowledge that you’ve saved yourself a large amount of time and hassle.

. But You Still Get to Enjoy the Festival!

If it’s the music, atmosphere and time enjoyed with friends you’re after, then glamping will still enable you to experience all of that.

Ultimately, if you’re the kind of person who likes their home comforts, and you don’t want to sweat the small stuff, then glamping could be the ideal option when attending future festivals. You can be in the heart of the festival when you want – but veer away from the crowds when you choose to, and wind down.

Just because you’re switching slumming it in muddy fields to a higher standard of accommodation, doesn’t mean you won’t get to enjoy the festival – and in fact, it probably means you’ll have an even better time.

It’s Great for Young Families

0.6% of all festival goers are under 16, which may not sound like much as a standalone statistic; but when you consider the fact that 30 million people attended a festival in 2016, it suddenly becomes quite a lot – 180,000 to be precise.

Glastonbury, Latitude and Greenman are just a few festivals that are hailed as family-friendly, and if you want to join the trend and bring your little ones along to your next festival, we wouldn’t blame you if the preparation puts you off a little. After all, who thinks a long weekend camping with no electricity or running water with kids is a good idea?

Well actually, glamping can allow you to enjoy the festival as a family, without having to sacrifice your home comforts. It also means that you can take your children away from the heavy crowds so they can have a good night’s sleep without being disturbed, whilst they get to experience something new.

Ultimately, glamping won’t take the festival experience away from you, and it brings many benefits. If you’re put off by the idea of camping and not being able to wash your hair for five days, then actually, glamping could be the reason to sway you to attend your first festival.

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