The year-long challenge of a man who vowed to live in a caravan without money is set to end on Saturday (November 28th).
Irishman Mark Boyle decided last November to move into the mobile home and shun any form of cash for 365 days, living off the land and bartering.
The 30-year-old told the Sun that he has “never been happier” and that there is little to miss about his old life.
He sourced his home from giveaway website Freecycle and has been living rent-free at a farm commune, where he also grows his own vegetables and goes foraging for food.
“There’s loads of stuff you can eat if you know what to look for – mushrooms, berries,” he told the newspaper.
“Then there’s waste foraging, where you ask supermarkets and restaurants for their leftover food.”
A self-built compost toilet and old free newspapers for loo roll allow Mr Boyle to relieve himself, while cooking is done on a DIY stove made of olive oil containers.
His challenge has been about showing people how to avoid wasting food and other consumables and was inspired by the story of Gandhi, who said you must be the change you want to see in the world.
Meanwhile, it was recently revealed in Caravan Times that dozens of families in Yorkshire are facing their third Christmas living in caravans after flooding hit the area in 2007.